Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I'm pretty bummed this week, so I honestly haven't been working on anything. Several sets of earrings are hanging out waiting to be photographed, there's a whole slew of photos still waiting for my lazy bum to edit them, and a pile o crap I need to sort through before starting any more jewelry. Oy ve. 

The lack of enthusiasm right now has a lot to do with my fiance losing access to communication, and ya know, being deployed in general. I'm also discouraged that I haven't sold anything in my etsy shop, yet, and that a lot of the feedback from folks I know (not exactly friends, but you know, people you happen to run into at the store and say hello to) I'm getting is negative. Stuff like "Oh, well I wouldn't wear anything like that," or, "Don't you think it's a bit....much?" To which I mutter under my breath: Yes, some of the stuff is a little wild. That's the fucking point. 

  I'm trying not to let that crud drag me down, but it's hard. So I'm taking a little break to remind myself that I just need to give it time. Obsessively checking in on my store every half hour does me no good. Instead I'm looking at wedding porn and cuddling with my dogs. Which they may or may not enjoy....I can't help but nom ears/ & tickle sleepy dog feet. 
Oh, and I'm thinking up more wild jewelry ideas that are just a bit...much. 

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