Saturday, August 20, 2011

Dog chow

Pretty sure one of the dogs ate my SD Card. Seriously.
I've spent the past five days tearing up my house looking for it, and it has yet to turn up. Granted, it's a little thing so there's always the possibility that it's hanging out somewhere, taking a vacation from being a nifty storage device. I really, really hope that's the case.

But, see, two of the dogs are tall enough to "table surf" for crumbs (of which I leave many), and one gorgeous fluffer is quite adept at popping her front paws on the kitchen counters and helping herself to a snack. This is the same one that also chewed off the metal bars to her kennel. That's right, chewed off metal bars. So, you see, I don't have much hope for the SD card. I will continue my hunt for my lost card, and probably go buy a couple more this weekend (should have done that sooner, anyway!). Meanwhile, I am checking their, uh, deposits, for any electronic evidence.
And making lots of new lovely jewelry, that I can't photograph right now.

That's my excuse and I'm stickin' to it.

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